I am a self-proclaimed Numero Uno Amazing Race Junkie... unfortunately, I have yet to be selected to appear in one yet. Well I did put in my application for the Amazing Race Asia. But NOOOO... the Producers probably didn't think that my team was good enough.
Styrofoam girl once told me that she thinks the Asian version is, to mildly put it, not as interesting as the American version. Although I do share her thoughts, I still watch the Asian version because if I do not support this one, then the likelihood of a 2nd season would be one wrung lower. But I am still pi**ed off at the fact that I'm not in Season 1.
TARA Producers, notice how "dra-ma-tic" I can be. You have to have me in your race!
Anyway, I have been keeping mum about The Amazing Race Asia so far becoz... I'm still can't get over the fact I'm not running the race (emphasis on thick-skinned and "dra-ma-tic") . That is until now, I noticed what could be some injustice being perpetrated here. Before you go on readin,
READ MY LIPS (or these words, coz u obviously cannot see my lips): I AM NOT A RACIST and this has nothing to do with being one.
First was the casting of caucasians in the Asian version... ok, for me I've already gotten over that coz there was a loophole in the entry requirements that allowed them to be eligible. Cased closed.
It was not until leg 6 that I had noticed a pattern. It was like that there was some force that was trying to keep these caucasians in the race for as long as possible. As if, the 'true' Asians are not worthy of finishing the race in top spot. I agree at the fact that Asians are way toooo nice thus mellowing the drama that would have been as exciting as TAR 10. Example, when a team gets stripped off their cash for being last in the non-elimination legs, all the other teams generously and willingly chip in a bit. I mean this is part and parcel of the race; the team without money are supposed to find their own way to raise cash... be it extortion, begging or even swindling... whatever, as long as it is their own effort. But NOOOO... because it is so-called "Asian" culture to be nice. For Godsakes, this is a race, a competition, a contest.
Anyway, back to what I was saying.
Coincidence Number 1: Sandy & Francesca arrived in last place at the pit stop of the 1st leg, which was atop the Menara Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. However, it was the 1st non-elimination leg!!! As far as I recall,
NO Amazing Race has ever had a non-elimination on the 1st leg of the race. Fine!
"Last place; but you can't possibly eliminate us when the view of this beautiful country from here is absolutely majestic, can you?" Coincidence Number 2: In leg 4, Howard and Sahran arrived at the pit stop near the Tall Bounty in Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia in last place. Furthermore, they had incurred a 4 hour time penalty for failing to complete a Roadblock.
Lo and behold, this the 2nd "so-called" pre-determined non-elimination leg!!! Another caucasian spared from the axe. I'm fine with that... no problem there!
"Whoopee! We don't have to do the Roadblock coz Arniold Shwarzenegger would not be at the pit stop for this leg." Coincidence Number 3??? (now I cry foul): In leg 6, Andy and Laura who came in 2nd place at the pit stop in Chard Farm Winery, Otago, New Zealand, had incurred a 92 minutes penalty for being caught speeding. They were penalized 2 minutes for every 1 km which they had exceeded above the speed limit. The speed limit was 100 kph and they were caught zooming at 146 kph. Then surprise! surprise! Alan announced that the time penalty would be carried out at the "pitstart".
"Hah! See, it pays to speed! We got booked but we're alive and still in the race!"I mean, Sahil and Prashant had to serve their time penalty at the pit stop for breaking the rules of the game in Leg 5 as they hitched rides from private vehicles when they were in Devonport, New Zealand while searching for the girl on a swing. The were penalized a full 60 minutes; and it made all the difference because it resulted in their elimination eventhough Sharon and Melody were the last to arrive at the pit stop; the Auckland War Memorial Museum, New Zealand.
This time, Andy and Laura were penalized a full hour and a half. For all I know, that could have also made the difference. I'm no supporter of Sharon & Melody but I do not think it is justifiable to allow them to bear the brunt of such injustice. Andy & Laura should have served the time penalty at the pit stop. Is there even such a word as "pitstart" as belched by host Allan Wu?
"Victims of Injustice??? Is there a judge to preside over this?"I hope the producers of The Amazing Race Asia can clarify on this coz I smell fish.
One more thing, I don't mean to criticize Allan Wu, but he is not suitable for the job of hosting the Amazing Race Asia. Time and time again, he has been pronouncing Kuala Lumpur incorrectly. Kuala Lumpur is four-syllabled in all, not three; it should have been pronounced "Koa-la Loom-por" not "Qua-lump-pour". The host of any Amazing Race should have the decency to get the pronounciation of every city correct. There should be no allowances for errors like these as it is a mark of respect to the city and country where the race is running through. I bet even Phil Keoghan knows better than to make such a mistake. Besides, he looks stiff and is as if he was reading his lines right smack in front of his face. Allan may be a good actor (or not, coz frankly speaking, I haven't seen any of his shows yet!) and probably has a humongous legion of fans. But allow me to reitterate this: Allan Wu is not suitable to be the host of the Amazing Race Asia.
The producers of TARA should consider replacing the current host with someone like... ME! (Oh! That's me again being thick-skinned!) I'm sure many extraordinary people out there like me can do a much better job than he. So why not? Think about it!
Anyway, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for The Amazing Race Asia Season 2 to happen. If any of the TARA producers are reading this and want to give me a "Fast Forward" into Season 2, please feel free to contact me. My eternal gratitude to you in advance.
I've said my piece. Now, I'm looking forward to TARA Race day... that's tomorrow! We'll see what happens.....