Monday, May 14, 2007


Well I just got back from backpacking not too long ago. Have been busy like hell since then. And my travelogue is progressing quite slowly due to lack of time. Wouldn't it be nice if we had 100 hours in a day? Man, I could do so many things and have enough sleep!

Anyway, you can check it out when its ready in 2 weeks. Meanwhile, here's one of the pictures I took while I was on the trip. As u can see, I'm smiling all over!

There are 3 reasons why I'm smiling:

1) I'm feeling on top of the world;
2) I'm about to take the greatest plunge of my life; and
3) I'll let u try to figure this last reason out by yourself! lol!

My travelogue will be entitled:
  • Hanson's 3 Aspects of China

  • Enjoy it!

    1 comment:

    RunWitMe said...

    Hello fren,

    That's awesome! I will plan for a plunge when I go Macau Marathon. Next year perhaps.

    Me just got back to Borobudur..interesting place. If you like Angkor, you gonna love it!