Tuesday, May 23, 2006

poetic justice

... that's the phrase to describe what we go through daily. The routine starts when we open those eyelids to let in a new ray of light each day. We believe that this is a new moment and reinforce that belief with caffeine. And just like clockwork, we report to our desks on time. After eight hours of seemingly dreadful passing of time, we rush to the comforts of our own domains; cleaned and fed. And before we know, it is time to close the chapter for the day.

Between the start and the close, it be best if no ill-intent is conceived. For this world works in mysterious ways, as it always certainly did. Most don't really see it, as they're too ignorant to notice. Only those who stop to weigh the consequence, see the logic of it all. Do good though no one notices; but you'll live a fulfilling life. Do harm and though you may get away scot free; but the just deserts will naturally come and they'll be sharp as knives.

I consider one recent misfortune of a certain someone to be associated to Poetic Justice. Let thy not feel malice towards thou and embrace a forgiveness of the misdeeds on thy. And thy shall not fall victim to Poetic Justice.

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